
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

November 29, 2009

I want to...

1) Take up cooking, maybe even a cooking course?
2) Read, read, read (have so many books lined up on the book shelf)
3) Take up a short Photoshop course... maybe...
4) Source for more products for Babybeans
5) Go meet friends for lunch
6) Clean up the house, need to tidy up the cupboards
7) Throw away any unwanted stuff that i've accumulated over the years
8) Pull out my Pilates DVD and start Pilates again
9) Exercise
10) ....
11) ....
12) ...

And most importantly, Rest & Relax and just spend some time by myself, for myself!

Will update the list as i go along! Can't wait for 1 Feb 2010 to come (*.^)

Hmm... Ant, I'm sure you have your list as well, do one too!

November 28, 2009

Book - The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

Had my reservations when i first picked up this book. Expected it to be good but serious like Tuesdays with Morrie.

But I absolutely loved this book! So original and interesting. Thought provoking too. Everybody's lives are linked and everyone's actions affect someone else's lives. This was illustrated so well in the book.

I wonder who i will meet in heaven...?

November 23, 2009

Oh so desperately missing...

The fresh and juicy fish and chips (although we got a bit sick of them there).
The seafood subway sandwich.
The cool weather (think my hubby misses this more than me!)
The many many many stars at night!
The wallabies, tassie devils and wombats.
The horseback ride!!!
The helicopter ride.
The sound of the waves while sitting outside enjoying a cup of tea.
The lovely scenery.
The beautiful flowers everywhere.
The yummy pies we had for breakfast.
AND spending quality time relaxing with my hubby!

Yes yes yes... photos coming soon!

November 22, 2009

Book - The Shadow of the Wind

Quite an interesting storyline. Though i was so busy, i took a long time to finish it. But the last bit was exciting and really got me going.

Lunch @ JPot

November 18, 2009

November 1, 2009


Taken at Peihua's baby boy - Joel's full month party.

Went for Peishi's son Darius' 1 year old party on Friday. And unfortunately, going miss Susan's baby girl Alecia's full month party next week. Wow... so many parties! :D