
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

December 28, 2013

Family Staycation

This year, instead of booking the Loyang Bungalow, we had a great time at our Staycation at Changi Village Hotel.

Day 1 - Jen Fai had a quick swim in the afternoon while Aiden was sleeping. As it started to rain, we headed to Changi Airport to walk around and have dinner.

Day 2 - Thank goodness for the good weather, we spent the morning at Pasir Ris Park. We cycled and Jen Fai roller bladed. In the late afternoon, we visited the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay and ended the day with a ride on the Singapore Flyer

Day 3 - Breakfast in the hotel before heading home.

December 15, 2013

I have money

Aiden: I want to buy that one.
Me: You want to buy the red light?
Aiden: Yes
Me: Do you have the money?
Aiden: Yes! 
Me: From where?
Aiden: Aiden is a big boy already, know how to pay money
(We have allowed him to pass money to the cashier a few times)

Me: Oh yes but where is the money from?
Aiden: From Mummy's bag.

December 11, 2013

Are you feeling better?

Conversation with my 2 and a half year old:

Me: (Coughing and had to spit out some phlegm)
Aiden: Mummy, are you sick?
Me: Yes, Mummy is sick.
Aiden (looking very concerned): Are you feeling better?
Me: Yes I am, thank you Darling.... (Heart melts)

November 13, 2013

Are you sure he is only 2 and a half?

Aiden: Daddy, mummy and Aiden in mummy's stomach
Me: Haha, no, last time Aiden was in mummy's stomach
Aiden: And frans
Me: What is frans?
Aiden: Err.. frans is like... those people...
Me: Oh friends! Haha, no friends in mummy's stomach

Sometimes i think my boy is 5 years old!

October 5, 2013

Spot the shark

Hint: it's a friendly shark

September 29, 2013


Aiden's latest "toy". And yes, the 2 big letter As are written by him. Not bad for a 2 years 5 months old boy ya? He learnt to write the letter A about 2 or 3 weeks ago. With practice on the iPad, he can now write more letters like C, E, F, H, I, L, O, Q, T and so on. Not forgetting numbers 1 and 10 too! Well done Aiden boy!!

September 1, 2013

i generation

Aiden saw Daddy at the study table, he ran over and asked him:

"Daddy, I want the i-computer"

Haha, a natural connection since he is so familiar with the i-Pad, i-Phone and i-Pod!

August 28, 2013

A for Apple

My cousin sent me a video of her girl saying A for Apple, B for ball and so on. Inspired, I decided to ask Aiden since its been quite awhile since I last asked him. Here are some of his answers that left my jaw dropping...

J for Jet ski 
K for Kayak
Q for Question
T for Turtle
U for Unicycle
W for Wagon
Z for Zig Zag

Ok he has been absorbing all these from his iPad games and the Brainy Baby DVD that he watches :)

August 25, 2013

So proud of him!

At 2 years and 4 months old... 

Aiden: Daddy, did you see the green garbage truck?
Daddy: No I didn't see that
Aiden: Aiden saw a green garbage truck!

All in perfect English! And he goes on to add...

Aiden: 垃圾车, garbage truck!

Adding the icing on the cake in Mandarin 😁

August 19, 2013


Aiden built and balanced the blocks all by himself

Not yet

Aiden: Daddy, don't drive so fast!
Daddy: Ok Aiden
Aiden: Daddy, be careful the car in front!
Daddy: Ok Aiden
Aiden: Oh! Be careful the van!
Daddy: Ok
Aiden: Be careful the white car!
Daddy: Are you done?
Aiden: No
Daddy looks at me and hides a laugh
Aiden: Daddy be careful the truck!
Daddy: Are you done?
Aiden: Not yet
Daddy: (Bursts out laughing!)

August 11, 2013

Different smiles

Smile for the camera

Open your eyes bigger

The in between smile :)

August 9, 2013

Mandarin vocabulary

Hubby to me: 你要吃香蕉还是苹果?
Me: 我要吃香蕉。
Aiden: I want Banana!

He always amazes us with how much he knows, especially when it comes to mandarin!

August 7, 2013


Love this show! Highly recommended!

Taken from

In Paris, the aristocratic and intellectual Philippe is a quadriplegic millionaire who is interviewing candidates for the position of his carer, with his red-haired secretary Magalie. Out of the blue, the rude African Driss cuts the line of candidates and brings a document from the Social Security and asks Phillipe to sign it to prove that he is seeking a job position so he can receive his unemployment benefit. Philippe challenges Driss, offering him a trial period of one month to gain experience helping him. Then Driss can decide whether he would like to stay with him or not. Driss accepts the challenge and moves to the mansion, changing the boring life of Phillipe and his employees. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

July 31, 2013

Bangkok Day 1

Lovely blue skies on the way to Bangkok

Checked in to our upgraded suite... and saw a cute little elephant in the toilet :)

Rested and did a bit of shopping at MBK.

July 23, 2013

Jigsaw puzzle

Aiden fixed the 35 piece puzzle all by himself at almost 2 years 3 months old. The puzzle is meant for 4 years old and above :)

July 10, 2013

Visit to the Zoo!

Had a great time at the Zoo on Sunday (7 July)!

June 30, 2013


Dad's Birthday

Had dinner with Penang Place for Dad's birthday 

June 17, 2013


A few weeks ago, when we visited my cousin Wendy...

Wendy: Aiden, do you like the chair you are stitting on?
Aiden (calmly and without skipping a beat): Stool.

Yes, it was a stool but Wendy thought he might not know the word and chose to use a more generic word instead.

Kids these days are taking too much DHA in their milk.

June 11, 2013


Aiden reached out for my phone, which was on the bed

Hubby: No, you have to ask Mummy for permission.
Aiden: Mummy, I want permission

(Yes I believe this is the first time he heard of this word and yes, he pronounced it very accurately)

May 22, 2013

7 years Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday was our 7 years Wedding Anniversary and we had a wonderful dinner at KU DE TA. It was a pity that the weather wasn't good and we couldn't sit outdoors. But we really enjoyed the food and realised it was the most expensive meal we have ever had.

Ended the night with a drive up to Mount Faber, something we used to do during the dating days. But it has been about 3 years since we've last been there. Nothing much has changed though we realised that the trees have grown so much that our usual view has been blocked! Hahaha :p

Thank you Hubby for the beautiful necklace and earrings, something I've been wanting! Such a surprise! But it must have burned a BIG hole in your pocket!

* pic taken from

May 20, 2013


This looks like something i used to have back in the school days

Look at how it has evolved to what a walkman looks like today.

Hope you like your present Hubby!

May 19, 2013

May 7, 2013

New favourite question

Aiden's new favourite question is,"What car is doing?"

And the word "car" can be substituted with anything. From car to truck, bus, Uncle, Aunty, dog, bird etc etc.

Although it is grammatically wrong (yes I am still reminding him how to say it correctly), I am still proud that he is trying to speak in complete sentences :)

April 29, 2013

West Coast Park

First time playing with sand

April 28, 2013

Aiden turns 2!

Time flies!! Aiden has turned 2 on 26 April! Look at how he has grown!

Had a simple party at home with family. When asked what he wanted for his birthday, he said Birthday cake. And he was able to sing along with us for his birthday song. That was so cute!

And brought him out to SEA Aquarium at RWS on the actual day. Believe he had fun looking at the HUGE fish tanks and all the fishes!

April 25, 2013

Aiden on TV!

Okto's Birthday Surprise!

April 18, 2013

Good food with good friends

Our 3rd yummy high tea session together

April 12, 2013

Baking time!

Long time since I last baked or cooked anything.

April 10, 2013

Too young!

At 23 months, Aiden has learnt to change the DVD in the player on his own, simply by watching us do it all this while. And Hubby is encouraging it. Gosh!

April 8, 2013


When I was worrying about not being able to find a job soon....

Hubby: Don't worry, there is no hurry. You are not looking for a job. You are looking for a suitable job.

How can you not love such a sweet and supportive hubby? Love you bie :)

March 30, 2013

Anything for Barney

Aiden: Watch Barney!
Me: No, you have watched already this morning. Play with your toys.
Aiden: Want to watch Barney again.
Me: No, later when you eat porridge then can watch.
Aiden (looking at me very hopefully): Eat porridge now?

March 27, 2013

Right or left?

Me: Where is your right hand?
Aiden raises his right hand.

Me: Where is your left hand?
Aiden raises his left hand.

Me: Where is your right ear?
Aiden points to his right ear.

My Sis points to Aiden's left ear and asks him: What ear is this?
Aiden: The other ear

March 24, 2013


Aiden lined up his long "train" of cars, trucks, fire engines and anything with wheels!

March 21, 2013

What is that? (Part 2)

Feeling quite challenged now, Aiden's questions are really testing my vocabulary and description skills!

And he has helped me notice things that I have not noticed before. It is kinda cool :)

March 17, 2013

What is that?

At 22 months plus, Aiden is in the "What is that" stage? Loving his curiosity for learning so far :)

March 15, 2013

Mad about cars

Part 1:
Yesterday morning, we could see Aiden was stirring and about to wake up. Suddenly he sat upright and said,"Mummy, 德士 Taxi!"

Part 2:
In the middle of the night, fast asleep, I heard him say in his sleep,"Fire engine."

Part 3:
Almost morning, he suddenly bolted upright and said,"Mummy and Daddy say switch off. So noisy!" and promptly went back to sleep.
(There is a toy train and truck that he likes to switch on and leave it running. We always ask him to please switch it off cos it's so noisy!)

March 11, 2013

March 10, 2013


Got Aiden to say "Haha!" instead of "Cheese"

February 18, 2013

Bringing Aiden out on my own

Brought Aiden out all by myself today. Took a bus to and fro Vivo to meet Liz for lunch. Very proud of myself for successfully doing it. Of course, the good old iPad helped entertain him when we had our lunch.

February 17, 2013

My big boy

So proud of Aiden. Recently, we mentioned a few times that he is a big boy now and should not take pacifier anymore, especially when he turns 2 soon.

For the part few days this week, when we gave him the pacifier, he shook his head and gave it back to us and said,"Only taggie (his security blankey)."

So so proud of him!

February 7, 2013

Bargaining Part 2

Me: Time to go and change (into pajamas)
Aiden: Don't want!
Me: Have to go and change already
Aiden: 4 minutes
Me: ok after 4 minutes must go and change ok.

4 minutes later....
Me: Ok 4 minutes already
Aiden: 2 minutes
Me: No, just now you said 4 minutes
Aiden: 1 minute
Me: No
Aiden: 6 minutes

February 5, 2013

Take a pic with Gor Gor

And Aiden proceeded to put his hand on Gor Gor's shoulder... Must have seen us do it :)

The other way

When I put his giraffe back at the usual place...

Aiden said,"Mummy, the other way!"

Whoops, I had to put it back the correct way before he was satisfied ...

January 19, 2013


Last week, after spending almost an entire Sunday at home, it was time to change into his pjs.

Aiden: I want the ambulance and fire engine (his 2 favorite toys)
Me: No, you have been playing the whole day, it's time for some story books
Aiden: Ambulance and fire engine!
Me: No.
Aiden: Ambulance and fire engine!
Me: No

About 3 seconds later...
Aiden: Car and bus!

January 10, 2013

Say please

My helper: Aiden, go to Gong Gong's room
Aiden: Don't want

This was repeated a few times...

My helper: Aiden, go to Gong Gong's room so that I can go and mop the floor.
Aiden: Say please.