
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

September 28, 2008

F1 Fever

Weather: Warm and humid
Road: Dry
Vision: Clear
Crowd Size: Pretty Crazy

Speed: Almost 300 km/hr

First night race in Formular 1 history... got some complimentary tickets... Both of us never been to a F1 race before, or rather not even an actual race. Set out with the intention to check it out.

When reached City Hall, we were "welcomed" by the crowd size!!! forgotten to bring along ear plugs (do we really need this?), went to a couple of Guardians... All SOLD OUT !!!

Luckily there are people selling "F1 Survival Kit" at the entrance for $2 a pack. It comes with a poncho and ear plugs (do we really really need this?).

At first we were wandering around the "F1 Village", until we managed to find a nice spot for a view. Took some pictures, but the cars are toooo fast. I guess that's the reason why you see professional with HUGE lenses!!! Uploaded a video too man! It was quite thrilling and fun surprisingly. But I guess you would be more comfortable sitting in the grandstand. Standing there for hours is no joke.

And you know what??? You really need EAR PLUGS!!! Their F1 engine roarssssssssssss. So xxxx loud that it could break your ear drum. :-D


E said...

super duper green w envy!!!

JAL2629 said...

Hee... it would have been much more exciting on the day of the Finals. Too bad our tics were only for the qualifying rounds.