
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

March 25, 2010

No it's not just about the money

Met up with a friend who took a 5 months break last year. When we were swapping stories, we realised a common point. Whenever we tell friends that we are currently not working, one of their very first reactions would be - Wow you must be rich!

Yes, i admit money is an important factor, but it is not the main factor. Sometimes people just need a break from work, just need to relax and enjoy life at a slower pace! Plus if your financial commitments are not high in the first place, then i'm sure you will be able to manage since we spend a lot less while not working.

And of course it really helps to live near your mum and be able to settle your meals there!


E said...

This is why I felt like an outsider back "home".

Yeah it helps living with mummy! :P

JAL2629 said...

Well... that is Singapore for you right??

E said...

of coz, home is where mummy is.

money is not everything & can't buy you time, enjoy your time at home:)

JAL2629 said...

Oh what i meant was that Singapore is such a materialistic society, that is why you feel like an outsider. Hee of cos i know your home is Singapore!

And i definitely am already enjoying my time at home. And will continue to do so! Thank babe for the support!

Ada said...

Wish I could take a break too. I would have to quit. Then dunno what to do... Trying to tahan as long as I can. Life sucks at the moment. Treasure your free time now and spend quality time with Anthony.

JAL2629 said...

Ya i really appreciate my chance for a break. You should quit and teach tuition full time!