
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

May 27, 2010


Eat more egg whites!
Stay healthy.
Eat more egg whites!
Drink more water.
Eat more egg whites!
Take more fibre
Eat more egg whites!

I used to love eggs, but feel like puking at the mention of it now. Have tried eating it fried, hard boiled, mashed with mayo etc etc. Anyone has anymore recipes for me?

PS: For those who don't know what I'm talking about, Sorry! Not convenient to give you details now... maybe sometime in the future k? Just deperately need to complain :p :p :p


ADL said...

Sorry I can't be of much help. What about adding different types of sauces and dressings? Jia you!

JAL2629 said...

Ya probably :)

Don't worry about it :p