
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

June 22, 2010


Do you know that Japs not only sort their trash for recycling, they even go to the extent of cutting up their milk cartons, washing them, hanging them up to dry and then adding it to the paper recycling pile?

Everyone in the neighbourhood does it and they all cut it in a standard way so that it can be stacked together and tied up.


jen fai said...

no i don't know

C for Cat said...

I salute you!

ADL said...

The Japs always amaze me... they are great in going such things. I wish there were more efforts in recycling here. I just saw a programme on CNA abt the Zabbaleens in Cairo collecting and recycling rubbish in traditional ways and they lost their only means of livelihood when big modern companies took over their jobs and they only recycled 20% of the rubbish. One of the Zabbaleens felt that it was such a waste not to recycle everything when he had the chance to see the recycling program in Wales.

JAL2629 said...

Jen Fai, you can encourgae mama and yeye to recycle some paper material at home :)

KW, whahahaha! Have you started recycling??

Sis, oh wow, that is so sad. Why should they allow the big companies to come in when the locals are already doing the job just fine??

C for Cat said...

I am the worse recycler (if there is such a word) ever :P i will try my best to love GAIA more now...

JAL2629 said...

KW dear, it is never too late to start! Put a small bin in your service area for papers and bring it down to the recycling bin once a week. It'll become a habit in no time :)