
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

March 30, 2013

Anything for Barney

Aiden: Watch Barney!
Me: No, you have watched already this morning. Play with your toys.
Aiden: Want to watch Barney again.
Me: No, later when you eat porridge then can watch.
Aiden (looking at me very hopefully): Eat porridge now?

March 27, 2013

Right or left?

Me: Where is your right hand?
Aiden raises his right hand.

Me: Where is your left hand?
Aiden raises his left hand.

Me: Where is your right ear?
Aiden points to his right ear.

My Sis points to Aiden's left ear and asks him: What ear is this?
Aiden: The other ear

March 24, 2013


Aiden lined up his long "train" of cars, trucks, fire engines and anything with wheels!

March 21, 2013

What is that? (Part 2)

Feeling quite challenged now, Aiden's questions are really testing my vocabulary and description skills!

And he has helped me notice things that I have not noticed before. It is kinda cool :)

March 17, 2013

What is that?

At 22 months plus, Aiden is in the "What is that" stage? Loving his curiosity for learning so far :)

March 15, 2013

Mad about cars

Part 1:
Yesterday morning, we could see Aiden was stirring and about to wake up. Suddenly he sat upright and said,"Mummy, 德士 Taxi!"

Part 2:
In the middle of the night, fast asleep, I heard him say in his sleep,"Fire engine."

Part 3:
Almost morning, he suddenly bolted upright and said,"Mummy and Daddy say switch off. So noisy!" and promptly went back to sleep.
(There is a toy train and truck that he likes to switch on and leave it running. We always ask him to please switch it off cos it's so noisy!)

March 11, 2013

March 10, 2013


Got Aiden to say "Haha!" instead of "Cheese"