
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

December 28, 2011

Photo moments

Guess who cannot sit still? And likes to disturb others? LOL...

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December 25, 2011

Cheeky grins!

Aiden is 7 months & 29 days old :)

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December 8, 2011

Fish or Fishes

2 of the same species = 2 fish
2 of different species = 2 fishes

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November 23, 2011

Up he goes

6 months & 27 days old
- He has been trying to push himself up any chance he had, by pushing on my leg especially. Finally he managed to stand up by himself using the cot railing to prop himself up. Part of me wants to say Well Done!! The other part of me is cringing at how fast he learns these naughty things... Look at his super mischievous smile!

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November 19, 2011


6 months 24 days - Aiden realizes that he does not have to sit still in the pram... And that he can actually sit up and start to try climbing up or out!

(Sorry for the blurred pictures. Couldn't get a good shot and these were too cute not to post!)

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November 16, 2011


6 months 21 days
- Aiden is able to sit up on his own! He is able to push himself up from a crawling position to a sitting position :)
- He has also started crawling forward since about a week ago

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October 28, 2011

Did he just say that?

Aiden's first alphabet - S
(I hope it was not "Ass".... Did you watch Meet The Fockers?)

Aiden's first word - Mum!
(Although I hope he meant mum as in mummy and not mum as in "mum mum" ie food!)

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Spot my son

Hint: 80% of him is hidden under the (white) sofa....

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October 12, 2011


Started Aiden on cereal. As expected, I think more cereal ended up outside his mouth than in. Gave up wiping his mouth after awhile.

I love this photo, especially when I realized that you can see his first tooth here! Good shot ya!

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October 10, 2011

Aiden's diarrhea

Aiden has not been well. He has been having diarrhea for the past 2 weeks.

We started him infant cereal but he did not seem to like it. So we tried giving him a teaspoon of boiled mashed potato. It seemed to be going well until he started having diarrhea on the 3rd day. The doctor said that his body is adjusting to the new food type and told us to persist with the potato.

However, after giving him potato for another 2 days, the diarrhea didn't seem to let up. So we stopped the potato. Didn't help. Changed him to soy milk. Seemed to help a little but did not stop it completely. Tried the traditional way by giving him porridge water. Again, it seemed to help a little.

It was so worrying to see him pooing 6, 7 times a day even though sometimes it is just a little bit. And it was even more heart breaking to see him lose weight. The only consolation is that he is still active and playing well.

So many opinions from so many people. We even tried mixing the soy milk with porridge water (Doctor's orders during the 2nd visit) but he started to not finish his milk, so we stopped doing it as well.

Finally sent his stool for testing last Friday. Hope all is in the clear. And that all these is due to Aiden's teething, which could be one of the causes of diarrhea in babies.

October 7, 2011


First sign of a tooth today with Aiden being just 5 months and 11 days old!

Felt it when i was washing his gums during bath. Peeled his mouth open and true enough, there you see the slighest protrusion of a tiny white tooth! :D

September 21, 2011


Starting to dislike the car seat and growing strong enough to kick and protest. See how far he had slid down the seat.

Hubby and I are going to prepare ear plugs as we will soon need to strap him down...

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September 17, 2011

September 14, 2011

Badly needed haircut at 4 months plus

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Back crawl

Realized about a week ago that he has started to move backwards already. From the centre of the mattress to finding half of him on the floor.

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September 4, 2011

August 26, 2011

Concepts of time

Me: Aiden is exactly 4 months old today!
Hubby: Only 4 months ah? Why not yet 4 years old?

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August 21, 2011

Too much turning!

He had been sitting in the rocker for about 10 minutes. I left to check on his milk in the warmer and to my horror, came back to find Aiden in this position!

We have been putting him in the rocker when we don't want him to turn onto his tummy. Looks like the plan is not working anymore, he still found a way to turn!

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Babies do love tags

Taggies are blankets invented because babies often like to play with the toy's tag instead of the toy itself.

Even with his very own taggie blanket in one hand, he still wanted the toy dog's tag...

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August 15, 2011

I can turn!!

At just 3 months and 19 days, Aiden managed to turn and move his hand to the correct position on his own!

He has been trying for weeks and always got frustrated when he got stuck. Look how happy he is at his own achievement :)

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July 31, 2011

How to wear your taggie

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July 28, 2011

Amused by some simple act

And that thing on his forehead? fever as expected, after his 5 in 1 jab yesterday :

July 23, 2011

Grab that dog! - Part 2

Just this evening, we caught Aiden grabbing the dog with both his hands.... And immediately pulling it towards his mouth for a good suck!

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July 22, 2011

Hold that bottle

You are 2 months & 26 days old today my dear boy, time to train you to hold your own milk bottle :D

Grab that dog!

Noticed Aiden trying to grab the bean bag on the left of the rocker a few days ago at 2 months and 20 days old.

Was so amazed! Managed to capture him trying to grab the dog's paw on his right :)

Trying to turn

Aiden trying to turn on his side at 2 months & 17 days old.

July 19, 2011

Sticking out his tongue

Aiden has been doing it a lot these few days. Wonder if this is common among babies? Is it just a phase?

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July 18, 2011

A time for ourselves

Finally went on our first official date yesterday since Aiden's birth. A trip to the movies for the last part of our favorite Harry Potter series, for our annual GV gold class experience. It was nice to be able to spend the afternoon together, just the two of us :)

And added bonus was the extra early birthday prezzie from hubby! Something I've been wanting for a long while. And since there was a sale going on... I just couldn't resist! Thanks dear!!

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July 10, 2011


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July 9, 2011

Invisible Pacifier

His mouth is still moving even though I have removed the pacifier :p

July 8, 2011

Learning ground

2 new things I learn from Aiden's constant throwing up:

1) You can never have too many bibs.

2) The minute you get complacent and think he won't throw up, he will do just that!

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June 15, 2011

First hair cut

It was a challenge carrying him for his hair cut when he was exactly one month old.

Super long nails

Finally cut his nails when he was 39 days old. Some of his nails were so long, it folded downwards!

When he was born, even the nurse commented that his nails are very long.

First family picture on our first outing day

Our first family photo taken on Day 36 (31st May 2011)! With a rather sleepy Aiden.

And our first official family outing. Went for lunch and walked around at IMM. We are glad to report that it was a success as we had no problems feeding him at the restaurant :)

June 14, 2011

First scratch

My poor boy has a big scratch near his right eye. I was changing him this morning when he suddenly screamed his head off. I thought I hurt him when putting on his singlet. It was only later that Anthony spotted the scratch on his face.

Feel so "heart pain"...

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June 2, 2011

Aiden's crying

Aiden has been crying at about the same time every night for a week now. Nothing seems to soothe him and it has been quite a worry and mystery to us. After lots of guessing, we finally found the reason after googling it on the internet.

"The Period of PURPLE Crying® is the phrase used to describe the point in a baby’s life when they cry more than any other time. This period of increased crying is often described as colic, but there have been many misunderstandings about what “colic” really is.

The Period of PURPLE Crying is a new way to help parents understand this time in their baby’s life, which is a normal part of every infant’s development. It is confusing and concerning to be told your baby “has colic” because it sounds like it is an illness or a condition that is abnormal. When the baby is given colic medicine it reinforces the idea that there is something wrong with the baby when in fact the baby is going through a very normal developmental phase. That is why we prefer to refer to this time as the Period of PURPLE Crying. No, it is not because the baby turns purple when he/she cries but provides a meaningful and memorable way to describe what parents and their babies are going through.

The Period of PURPLE Crying begins at about 2 weeks of age and continues until about 3-4 months. There are other common characteristics of this phases, or period, which are better described by the acronym PURPLE. All babies go through this Period it is just that during this time some can cry a lot, some far less, but they all do go through it.

There have been decades of research done on this early stage of crying in an infant’s life. Dozens of studies by scientists have shown this to be a robust finding. These studies have been done world -wide by many scientists including developmental pediatricians.

“Scientist decided to look at different animal species to see if they go through this developmental stage and so far all breast feeding animals tested actually go through this same developmental stage of crying more in the first months of life as human babies do."

There are other characteristics of this stage. For example, studies have shown that the crying tends to be much heavier in the late afternoon and evening. Just when parents are getting home from work and the most tired. Parents try many ways to keep the baby from crying, or stop the crying, and some of them work, well, they seem to work for awhile. “I take my baby in the car and drive around the block in my PJ’s,” said one mom. “That worked for three nights but on the fourth, he would not stop crying. I tried several others things like warm baths, singing and swaying and nothing worked. Then all of a sudden he would just stop, for no apparent reason. His crying is so unpredictable”, she said.

When these babies are going through this period they seem to resist soothing. Nothing helps. Even though it helps when they are fussy or crying other times, it is different when they go through these inconsolable crying bouts. Nothing seems to sooth them.

During this phase of a baby’s life they can cry for hours and still be healthy and normal. Parents often think there must be something wrong with them or they would not be crying like this. However, even after a check-up from the doctor which shows the baby is healthy they still go home and cry for hours, night after night. “It was so discouraging,” said one dad. “Our baby giggles and seems fine during the day and almost like clock-work he starts crying about 6 pm. He is growing and healthy so why does he cry like that ?”

Often parents say their baby looks like he or she is in pain. They think they must be or why would they cry so much.
Turns out though that the babies who are going through this period can act like that even when they are not in pain

In my own case, I know my son was not sick. He was in the top percentile for growth and he giggled and was happy other times, and then he would start to cry, and cry and cry. The doctor kept telling me he is just fine.

After learning all of this we decided we needed to share this with other parents. We had to take this information and put it into a statement that told the story about this phase in a baby’s life. Dr. Ronald Barr, a developmental pediatrician, who has done more studies on infant crying than anyone in the world, came up with the phrase the Period of PURPLE Crying. His idea was to explain this phase to parents of new babies so they would know it was normal and they would be encouraged that it would come to an end.

The acronym PURPLE is used to describe specific characteristics of an infant’s crying during this phase and let parents and caregivers know that what they are experiencing is indeed normal and, although frustrating, is simply a phase in their child’s development that will pass. The word period is important because it tells parents that it is only temporary and will come to and end.

So many parents, after learning about the program, have said, “finally they have called it something that describes what we are going through. This word colic was hard to get a handle on.”

Extracted from

May 31, 2011

Favourite game

My current "favourite" game is Tug of War. Whenever Aiden falls asleep in the middle of his feed, I will have to pull out the bottle (teat) from his mouth. Almost immediately, he will pull the teat back into his mouth to suckle again. In out, in out.

Oh I believe this is just the start of many games we will play together...

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May 21, 2011

5 years and counting!!

Happy anniversary to my dearest hubby!!

5 years ago, we celebrated our love in front of my friends and relatives. Today, we celebrate our precious baby's full month!

Thank you for being such a wonderful husband all these years. And most importantly, for being a great father too! Thank you for taking such great care of me and baby these past few weeks, for running around to settle all the logistics, for being my emotional support and mostly, for being such a hands-on daddy!! Not many dads will bathe the baby, change their diaper, pat and carry them to sleep and feed them. But you've done it all! Simply because you want to do it and I love you even more for it!

I can't wait to spend many many more years with you and our son! Happy Happy Anniversary!

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May 19, 2011

Do not disturb

There is massive drilling going on in one of the units above us. The type where we need to raise our voices if we want to talk to each other.

Somehow Aiden is able to sleep through all the noise. Though he was obviously not totally immune to it...

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May 17, 2011

To carry or not to carry

It's hard to describe that feeling....

When I see my son lying in his cot quietly and awake, I feel so bad for him. So "poor thing" being left on his own, not doing anything, no one entertaining him. But I know I must not pick him up, for it is good to let him entertain himself, that I should not spoil him by carrying him all the time.

Just the start of many internal struggles that we parents have to face I suppose?

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May 16, 2011

First Bath

Tried my hand at bathing Aiden today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I think the key is to remain calm even if he is screaming. And to do things one step at a time.

It was especially memorable for me since he peed on me just minutes after we started the bath. Oh well... It was bound to happen some time right?

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May 3, 2011

Our precious miracle

After a long journey, our little precious miracle has been born!

Our son, Aiden Lim, was born on 26 April at 459pm. Weighing in at 3.22kg and measuring 51cm in length, we are truly thankful for this healthy little baby!!

No doubt this 4 year journey has had much more downs than ups, and as predicted in every book and prophesised by every family member and friend, all was forgotten the second the doctor put him on my chest, goo, blood and all! Our son!! How can you not forgive the wet eyes and the tears at such a poignant moment?

After being weighed and measured, Aiden was placed under the warmer, fast asleep. Less than an hour after birth, as my hubby was busy with the paperwork and I was still recuperating, I looked over and saw him lying there quietly, with both his eyes wide open :)

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March 25, 2011


It is exactly one more month to my EDD...

Lots of mixed feelings. Seems like time the 9 months just flew by, but yet it seems like we have finally reach "the end" of this long journey. Indescribable happiness to be able to see our little precious soon, yet apprehension on the process needed to reach the stage.

Whatever it is, we just can't wait to hold him in our arms and start this new and wonderful journey as a family... Just can't wait!! :)

The GREAT Happy Sale at Babybeans!

March 23, 2011

One more movie

Me - Wonder when will be our next movie after this?

Hubby - Probably at least 6 months later....

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March 10, 2011

Almost on par

Compare the size of my 8 year old nephew's foot and mine....

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March 6, 2011

One BIG bowl

Me : I cooked too much, there's enough here to feed 2 pigs.

Hubby : Ya, for Mummy pig and Baby pig lor...

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February 10, 2011


It's been a long time since I've had my mum's good old fashioned Cantonese style porridge with pork floss. Yummy!!

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One of my uncle's many balloon creations. He does this at kids parties too!

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January 29, 2011

Goodbye Tiger, Hello Rabbit!!

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January 28, 2011

Jay Chou - 菊花台 (Ju Hua Tai) MV

Probably the one and only Jay Chou song i like... stuck in my head for the past few days!

January 27, 2011

Honey cornflakes!

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January 18, 2011

Cute PJ!

Finally found some front button PJs. Cute right?

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January 12, 2011


Can't decide which to eat first!!

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January 10, 2011


After lots and lots and lots of hard work, my hubby has graduated with 1st Class Honours! So proud of him!!

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January 4, 2011

New Year

After a quiet Christmas, it was time for a busy New Year's weekend. Had 3 gatherings over the long weekend and it was really great meeting up with ex-colleagues, ex-schoolmates and ex- travelmates (picture below). Here's wishing everyone a GREAT 2011 year ahead!!