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October 10, 2011

Aiden's diarrhea

Aiden has not been well. He has been having diarrhea for the past 2 weeks.

We started him infant cereal but he did not seem to like it. So we tried giving him a teaspoon of boiled mashed potato. It seemed to be going well until he started having diarrhea on the 3rd day. The doctor said that his body is adjusting to the new food type and told us to persist with the potato.

However, after giving him potato for another 2 days, the diarrhea didn't seem to let up. So we stopped the potato. Didn't help. Changed him to soy milk. Seemed to help a little but did not stop it completely. Tried the traditional way by giving him porridge water. Again, it seemed to help a little.

It was so worrying to see him pooing 6, 7 times a day even though sometimes it is just a little bit. And it was even more heart breaking to see him lose weight. The only consolation is that he is still active and playing well.

So many opinions from so many people. We even tried mixing the soy milk with porridge water (Doctor's orders during the 2nd visit) but he started to not finish his milk, so we stopped doing it as well.

Finally sent his stool for testing last Friday. Hope all is in the clear. And that all these is due to Aiden's teething, which could be one of the causes of diarrhea in babies.


ADL said...

Poor thing. Glad he's ok now.

JAL2629 said...

Ya thank goodness!