
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

September 11, 2015

So sweet...

Feeling extremely demoralized while trying on clothes to prepare to go back to work...

Me - So sad, i cannot fit into so many of my old dresses.
Aiden - Cannot wear already?
Me - Ya, very tight, not comfortable.
Aiden - Never mind Ma Ma, when I grow up, I will buy a lot of dresses for you that are comfortable.

*heart melts*

September 4, 2015

Too many (toy) cars

For those of you who do not believe that he has more than 100 (toy) cars. Not forgetting the bigger ones stashed in the drawer as he prefers these small ones nowadays. Accumulated over the years, thanks to all the pressies from the doting uncles and aunties. And yes the parents are more than guilty too!