
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

August 28, 2013

A for Apple

My cousin sent me a video of her girl saying A for Apple, B for ball and so on. Inspired, I decided to ask Aiden since its been quite awhile since I last asked him. Here are some of his answers that left my jaw dropping...

J for Jet ski 
K for Kayak
Q for Question
T for Turtle
U for Unicycle
W for Wagon
Z for Zig Zag

Ok he has been absorbing all these from his iPad games and the Brainy Baby DVD that he watches :)

August 25, 2013

So proud of him!

At 2 years and 4 months old... 

Aiden: Daddy, did you see the green garbage truck?
Daddy: No I didn't see that
Aiden: Aiden saw a green garbage truck!

All in perfect English! And he goes on to add...

Aiden: 垃圾车, garbage truck!

Adding the icing on the cake in Mandarin 😁

August 19, 2013


Aiden built and balanced the blocks all by himself

Not yet

Aiden: Daddy, don't drive so fast!
Daddy: Ok Aiden
Aiden: Daddy, be careful the car in front!
Daddy: Ok Aiden
Aiden: Oh! Be careful the van!
Daddy: Ok
Aiden: Be careful the white car!
Daddy: Are you done?
Aiden: No
Daddy looks at me and hides a laugh
Aiden: Daddy be careful the truck!
Daddy: Are you done?
Aiden: Not yet
Daddy: (Bursts out laughing!)

August 11, 2013

Different smiles

Smile for the camera

Open your eyes bigger

The in between smile :)

August 9, 2013

Mandarin vocabulary

Hubby to me: 你要吃香蕉还是苹果?
Me: 我要吃香蕉。
Aiden: I want Banana!

He always amazes us with how much he knows, especially when it comes to mandarin!

August 7, 2013


Love this show! Highly recommended!

Taken from

In Paris, the aristocratic and intellectual Philippe is a quadriplegic millionaire who is interviewing candidates for the position of his carer, with his red-haired secretary Magalie. Out of the blue, the rude African Driss cuts the line of candidates and brings a document from the Social Security and asks Phillipe to sign it to prove that he is seeking a job position so he can receive his unemployment benefit. Philippe challenges Driss, offering him a trial period of one month to gain experience helping him. Then Driss can decide whether he would like to stay with him or not. Driss accepts the challenge and moves to the mansion, changing the boring life of Phillipe and his employees. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil