
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

August 9, 2013

Mandarin vocabulary

Hubby to me: 你要吃香蕉还是苹果?
Me: 我要吃香蕉。
Aiden: I want Banana!

He always amazes us with how much he knows, especially when it comes to mandarin!


ADL said...

Aiden is really fast at picking up new skills! He's also smart... when he went into 舅父's bedroom, I told him he must go out after counting to 10. He counted to 10, then he said he wanted to count to 20, and proceeded to count to 50! :)

JAL2629 said...

Haha, being smart also means he's fast learning how to talk back or use our lines back at us!