
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

August 28, 2013

A for Apple

My cousin sent me a video of her girl saying A for Apple, B for ball and so on. Inspired, I decided to ask Aiden since its been quite awhile since I last asked him. Here are some of his answers that left my jaw dropping...

J for Jet ski 
K for Kayak
Q for Question
T for Turtle
U for Unicycle
W for Wagon
Z for Zig Zag

Ok he has been absorbing all these from his iPad games and the Brainy Baby DVD that he watches :)


C for Cat said...

wow! er what is a unicycle!?

JAL2629 said...

Haha, it's a one-wheel bicycle with a seat on top, very difficult to balance!